My 2020 Goals


It’s New Years time! I’m not gonna lie- I love this time of year. A fresh start always feels so new and promising. As I reviewed 2019 and reflected on where I’ve been in the last year, I decided to really pare down my list of goals for 2020 so that I could really focus in and finish each one. Here’s what is on my goal list for 2020:

  1. Confidence- I have a weight loss goal for 2020 as well as some to dos for creating more confidence in myself in 2020- like cleaning out my closet, investing in new clothes and setting regular appointments for dentist, hair dresser, etc. so that I can feel good in my body and in my clothes next year.

  2. Content- I am so excited to share that in 2020, I will be launching Morning Coffee on a new platform that will make my content even easier to enjoy. I have goals around producing regular content there, as well as social media and here on the blog.

  3. Finances- I have set some financial goals for us this year that include paying off debt and increasing our emergency savings and saving up for fun.

Outside of those three main focuses, I have some mini goals as well:

  • Take a week-long domestic trip with my husband this year

  • My 2020 Reading List

  • Decorate the lower level of our house

  • Organize the storage spaces in our house

  • Create our wedding photobook

This year, I am trying to really simplify and focus in on what I’ve decided my priorities for the year. What are your thoughts as you head into 2020? Comment below!

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I love coffee, yoga pants, planners and color coordinating markers. Sound familiar? Yes! Let’s be internet BFFs. I am here sharing content on all things organization, productivity, goal getting and personal growth. Welcome!