Why I Started a YouTube Channel


Hey there! Welcome back to the Morning Coffee blog! 

In case you missed it, I announced a few weeks ago that I have expanded Morning Coffee’s platform to YouTube!  

Though I announced it not that long ago, I’ve actually been posting videos since last December. 

Wondering why I didn’t share it right away? Well, part of it was practical in nature- I wanted to be sure that I could maintain all of the work that the channel required on a daily basis before I made a promise to create content. Scripting, filming, editing and posting videos is actually quite a bit of work, and the last thing I wanted was to make this proclamation that “I make videos!”, release two and then get into the nuts and bolts of the process and realize I didn’t have the bandwidth to do it regularly. So that was part of it. 

But, honestly, the biggest reason why I waited to share it “publicly”,  was that I was a chicken. I was scared to hear what people thought of it and thought of me for deciding to release videos onto a worldwide platform. I was afraid they would judge me. 

 I realize that putting your face all over the Internet is really not something that most people would want to do. And I didn’t want people to think it was weird. And by “people”, I am mostly talking about the people I know in real life, as people who watch YouTube don’t really think it’s weird that people they watch make videos, because, well, they like to watch those videos. 

Besides my fear of not having anyone understand why I would choose to post on this platform at all, I also didn’t want them to think that I thought SO HIGHLY of myself and that I decided i was an EXPERT AT LIFE. I didn’t want them to think that I have everything figured out and that  I just HAD to share it because I think I AM JUST SO GREAT AT EVERYTHING. 

Because, I don’t. 

Like, I reaaaalllly  don’t. 

I don’t have anything figured out perfectly, not to mention having everything figured out all at once.

Guys, my laundry sits clean in a basket for a week before I manage to put it away. 

I am no freaking expert. 

So, if I didn’t decide to do it because I think so highly of myself, why did I do it? Well, I did it because I had always wondered what it would be like to try it. I have LOVED writing my blog over the last year and I have loved having a creative outlet for sharing my thoughts. But I really don’t feel like people read too much anymore and I wanted a bigger platform where I could share my content with a bigger audience IN A MUCH MORE DIGESTIBLE WAY. Heck, I would much rather watch a video than read a blog post, and I feel like my audience would feel the same way. 

When I approach my writing, the only way that I know how to make the posts sound authentic is to make them as conversational as possible. You know,  make them sound exactly like my real voice would sound if we were sitting down together at a coffee shop or over dinner. I hope that people who know me can literally HEAR my voice when they read my posts. But, a vast majority of the world hasn’t met me yet and they would have no idea what my literal voice sounds like…unless they could hear it for themselves on video. 

And that is why I decided to make a YouTube channel- so that I can share my real voice with more people. And not because I think I am some magical life expert, but because I am just like them and doing the best I can to figure it all out. Because I am just like them and because I am going through the same things that they are. 

If you haven’t yet, go check out my channel and see what I am talking about! I would love to connect with you over there!

Thanks so much for all the love and support for what I do! 


Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I love coffee, yoga pants, planners and color coordinating markers. Sound familiar? Yes! Let’s be internet BFFs. I am here sharing content on all things organization, productivity, goal getting and personal growth. Welcome!