Wanna Drink More Water?

How to Drink More Water

I’m sure it’s pretty clear, just by looking at the name of this blog and all, that coffee is my favorite beverage. I love it, I enjoy it, I drink it all of the time. But unfortunately, while I’d like to think that a woman could live on coffee alone, that just ain’t the truth. Especially since coffee actually can dehydrate you. So, we need to drink water. The world tells us REPEATEDLY to drink water, but sometimes it’s easier said than done. 

I am not a “health nut” by *any* stretch of the imagination, but this is one habit that I can actually say I’m really good at. Here’s how I help myself out by drinking more water. 

MAKE IT CUTE- You need a cute cup/bottle/glass/etc- Let’s be real, regularly doing the habits that make us more healthy isn’t actually that fun. So, make it more fun by drinking out of a cute bottle or cup. I use this Yeti Rambler in my favorite teal color. I also bought the lid that comes with a straw because that’s how I like to drink my beverages. It’s the little things, you guys! . 

IT.GOES. WITH. YOU. EVERYWHERE. - It’s literally your third arm now, okay? Fill it up before you leave to go anywhere. Before you leave the house, fill it up. Before you leave work, fill it up. Before you leave mom’s house, fill it up. Bring it with you in the car, take it to your desk at work, take if on your errands or when you’re at a friend’s house. You get the picture. My Yeti is literally by my side all day.

LOSE THE PRICE GUILT- If you’re out somewhere and you’re thirsty, BUY THE WATER. I realize that you may be at a concert and it’s $35 for a 24 ounce bottle of water without a cap, and that’s really ridiculous, but honestly now, there’s a lot of worse things you can spend your money on than water. I see you at that concert buying a $12 beer or a $15 Captain and diet, I see you. So, yes,It’s overpriced, that’s the reality, but for the love of god, if you’re thirsty, just buy the dang water! (Restaurants and drive-thrus will usually give you water for free if you’re purchasing something else!)

I hope you enjoyed these tips on how to state hydrated because Around here, we believe that your cup should always be full.

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I love coffee, yoga pants, planners and color coordinating markers. Sound familiar? Yes! Let’s be internet BFFs. I am here sharing content on all things organization, productivity, goal getting and personal growth. Welcome!