How I Refill My Cup

Make Sure Your Cup is Full

Have you ever gotten to that level of mental or emotional (and sometimes physical) tiredness where you’ve thought like, “I am just… DONE. I’m DONE. There’s nothing left in me at this point. I’m all out!”? I can relate. People will refer to it as running on an empty tank or “pouring from an empty cup”. Social media will tell you to that it’s “all about finding balance” but seldom tell you how to ACTUALLY achieve that equilibrium again. So that’s what I’m going to talk about today- how I refill my cup when I feel depleted.

How to Refill Your Cup

SLEEP MORE: We all have things in our lives that force us to wake up, i.e. children, work, etc. But when your tank is empty, make sleep a priority and just get a bit more than you usually do. Even an extra 30 minutes can help you wake up feeling more rested, which is so critical to getting you back to your normal self.

DITCH THE TO DO LIST: Whaaaaat? Me? Tell you to NOT have a list? Shocking I know. While lists and schedules are something I rely on on a regular basis, if I feel especially run down, I don’t make a physical to do list. I’ll remember the biggest things I have to do (like go to work or the grocery store) and still do them but it’s a far pared down “list” of items that I will worry about. If we’re honest, a good number of things on our lists will not cause the world to end if they wait a few more days. Give yourself space and breathing room in your day so that you can take life at a slower pace, even for 24 hours.

SCROLL ON (guilt free!): Give yourself permission to do something that is entirely for pleasure, not productivity. For me, that’s scrolling social media and watching You Tube videos. For you, that could be your favorite book, movie or TV show. Take the time for yourself to do something that is entirely relaxing. Your brain and your soul need the rest, I promise.

GET COMFY: To be fair, I dress for comfort 90 percent of the time, so this really isn’t something I have to FORCE myself to do, but when I’m feeling especially empty, I skip straightening my hair, putting on makeup or getting out of the clothes I slept in. It sets such a different tone for your mood when you can be completely undone looks-wise. Again, if you have to leave the house, you may need to change, but when and where you can, treat yourself to some coziness.

I hope this helps you if you are in a season of business in your life right now. Tell me- what do you like to do to recharge?

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!