5 Questions for A Better Year


YOU.GUYS. It’s freaking September today, SEPT.EM.BER. How did we even get here? Wasn’t it just May yesterday? I swear the time goes by faster every year. We are officially in the last part of 2019, but it’s not too late to make the most of the year that you have left. We often get so caught up in living the day to day tasks and responsibilities of our lives that we can forget to stop and take a step back and ask ourselves if we are really living our best lives. (And not the Instagram version of your best life. Your ACTUAL best life). 

As I am taking some time this week to get clear about my plans for the end of the year, I thought I’d challenge you to spend some time thinking about creating the life you want as well. 

Here’s five questions to ask yourself: 

5 Questions for a Better Year
  1. What do I wish I did more of?

  2. What things make me feel the happiest? How can I do these things more?

  3. What constitutes a life that I am proud of?

  4. What is draining my time or energy?

  5. What kind of people do I want to surround myself with?

Literally take out a piece of paper and write down your thoughts. And most importantly, use what you’ve learned from this exercise to plan your September. Pick a date. Plan the time. Make it happen. I know you can! And your future self will thank you for it.

Have a great week ahead, 


Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

When You Don't Finish Your To-Do List


I like to think of myself as a “productivist” because I REALLY like to get things done. I’m the kind of person that you send in when there’s a long list of things to do and only a certain amount of time to do them. I love the satisfaction that comes from checking something off of my list!

When You Don't Finish Your To Do List

And, in general, I would say that I do a pretty good job of finishing tasks, but real life means that will always be times when I don’t. And not because I chose not to do those things (though I do do that) but because sh*t happens. I could wake up with a migraine or walk into a urgent situation at work that absolutely has to be taken care of right away or an errand takes way longer to finish then expected. Super frustrating.

I heard something from Muchelle B on YouTube that i found super helpful so I wanted to share this with you. Here’s some questions you can ask yourself when you go to re-evaluate the things left on your to do list.:

  • Does this need to be done NOW?

  • Does this need to be done BY ME?

  • Does this need to be done AT ALL?

Take some pressure off of yourself and really be honest about the necessity of the items on your list. Is it something that can wait? Is it something that your spouse or your coworker or your mom could do for you? Is it something that truly has to happen or is it just something that would be nice to do?

Asking myself these questions recently actually made me realize that a vast majority of things on my list were self-assigned tasks- things that I had delegated to myself- and the truth was that most of them weren’t critical at all.

What’s one thing on your to do list that you’ve re-evaluated after you’ve asked yourself these questions? Comment below!

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Lists that Make My Life Easier

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I’m a list person. Hands-down, no questions about it, I love making lists. I think more specifically, I like checking things OFF of a list, but you get the idea. I easily forget things if I don’t write them down, so lists are a practical way to remember to do everything that has to happen. Aside from your standard to-do lists, here are some lists i keep to make my life easier:

Lists that Make Your Life Easier
  1. Gift Idea List- I keep a list in my phone of gift ideas for people so that when their birthday, Christmas or Mother’s Day rolls around, I don’t have to struggle with ideas. If you are with someone and they mention something that they need or love, put it in your list so you can give them a perfect gift when the time comes.

  2. Errands List - Have you ever gotten home from a trip to the grocery store and realized that you forgot to pick up a prescription from the drug store that is LITERALLY next to the grocery store you were just at? Keeping an errands list on my phone reminds me to run all of my errands on one trip so I’m not wasting time going to the same area twice.

  3. Address book- I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been ready to address an envelope at the post office or at work and been like, “Crap, I don’t have their address with me!”. Having a list of addresses in your phone that use frequently makes sure that wherever you are, you have those important lists with you everywhere. You could use a notes app on your phone, but my list is in Google Drive, which I can access from my phone as well.

There’s three lists that I find super helpful to keep. Tell me in a comment below- what lists make your life easier?

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!