Keep Your Goals On Your Mind

How to Keep Your Goals Top of Mind

As we wrap up this year and look forward to 2020, you’re probably thinking about your goals and resolutions. About the ones you achieved, the ones you made progress on, and then let’s be honest- the ones you failed at or didn’t even start. I’m with you!

Goals are easy to set, and hard to follow through on. Here’s some of the ways I keep my goals on the top of my mind. 

  • Make It Visual- Making your goals VISUAL is super helpful- check out this post I made about my 2019 vision board so you can make your own. You can go digital and then print it out like I did or do it all in paper form, but either way, having a collection of images that represent the life you want will help you subconsciously be aware of your goals every time you see it. 

  • Revisit Them Regularly - Remind yourself of your goals by rewriting them regularly- either every week as you prep for Monday or even every day as part of a quick journaling exercise. I use Rachel Hollis’ Start Today journal for this- shop here! 

  • Break Down Goals to Quarterly and Monthly Tasks- Tracking the progress I make on my goals has literally been a game changer for me. I use this workbook to set and review annual, quarterly and monthly goals. When you take apart your big goals into little achievable action steps, it’s easier to actually make progress. 

  • Track Your Habits- I’ve learned that the little things you do everyday are what determine whether you make progress on a goal or not. If I have a goal to cook dinner regularly at home, tracking how many times per week I actually do cook at home reminds me to plan ahead so that I can accomplish that and get me back on track when I can see that it’s not happening. Here’s a free habit tracker from Day Designer.

Hopefully, those ideas can help you ACTUALLY meet your goals and resolutions for 2020. Comment below with one thing you really want to achieve next year! 

Have a great week, 

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Do You Have Home Court Habits?

Home Court Habits

I don’t know about you, but recently I have been feeling like I’ve been a bit off my game when it comes to habits. I don’t know if it’s just the point we are at in the year, or having traveled recently, but I’ve really lost consistency with my consistent, normal habits, or “home court habits.” 

I wish I knew where I had first heard that term,(I can’t find it anymore)  but essentially the term refers to the set of habits you do every day when you are at home and on your regular schedule. Some of my personal home court habits include reading for 10 minutes, my Start Today Journal, packing lunches, planning my next day the night before, etc. I also have home court habits for work, too.

You likely have a set of these habits without even realizing it. Maybe you cook dinner at the same time every weeknight, or you do your laundry on Sundays, or you work out every morning before work. These actions are the things that keep your life and your mindset running smoothly without having to think about it and when you miss doing them, you tend to feel thrown off and not quite yourself. 

If you’ve never sat down to make a list of these habits, now is a great time to do that. Having a solid idea in your mind of the habits that keep you on track and keep your life running smoothly will help you get back into a groove most quickly when you been thrown off. You can use this free Day Designer Habit Tracker printable to make a list of your home court habits and track how often you do them. 

You’ve probably heard over and over that habits are the key to making progress on a goal, and being intentional about what those habits are and ensuring that you do them regularly is really the only thing that create traction and get you to where you want to go. I hope you found the concept of home court habits to be useful and that you’re inspired to create a habit tracker of your own. 

Have a great Sunday!

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I love coffee, yoga pants, planners and color coordinating markers. Sound familiar? Yes! Let’s be internet BFFs. I am here sharing content on all things organization, productivity, goal getting and personal growth. Welcome!