2018 In Review

Looking Back to Look Forward

2018 was a big year. I can genuinely, honestly say it was a year that changed our lives. We planned our local destination wedding and a home reception, got married, got two new jobs, sold a house, and bought a new house. It was a year that forced me to get better at accepting change, getting better at being brave and taking chances and a year that taught me how important it is to focus on the BIG things- the things that really move your life forward.

These were the three big goals I wrote down at the beginning of 2018:

  1. Plan and fund our wedding in 2018. Done and DONE, son! The planning was hard for me personally, but man, the amount of love and support we received was absolutely incredible. I’d always known I’d marry that man and I am so happy to be his wife!

  2. Make a career move. Also done! I totally remember being scared as I wrote this down, not having any idea of where I’d go or what I’d do. There may be something to this whole goal setting thing and planting a seed of inspiration to  yourself and the universe for the things you want most in life.

  3. Be proud of myself and my work. Pride was my word of the year for 2018. And I don’t mean pride as in the seven deadly sins-esque, I’m-the-greatest-thing-ever, boastful kind of pride. I mean the kind of pride that you feel when you’ve really taken on something big, something hard, and you’ve worked really hard to make it happen. I wanted to make big things happen in 2018 and I think I can say I did that.

I had a smaller goal to visit three new cities I had never been to, and I’m happy to say I accomplished ⅔ of that goal. I started the year off in San Jose blogging with U.S. Figure Skating, and ended November with a quick work trip to Las Vegas. (Technically, I’ve been to Vegas before as a kid, but you definitely don’t get the TRUE Vegas experience at age 7, right?).

Last year, I wrote this to myself: “I am committed to getting better everyday. I am focused on being a better version of myself and making my ideal self a reality. I will take the steps necessary to be PROUD of who I am, what I do, and what my life is.”  I don’t think I will ever get to a point in life where I can say everything is perfect, but I definitely know I took steps forward to being that person this year. And, hey, I’m gonna call that a success. I’ll drink to that! Thanks, 2018. CHEERS to 2019!


Hey, I’m Meghan

Welcome to Morning Coffee, a place where I’ll be writing every week- about my life and my goals, my house, things I love, resources I have and tools I use. It’s not only a place where I can feel joy in sharing my thoughts with the world, but hopefully a place where someone else, maybe you, can find entertainment, inspiration or camaraderie. Let’s be internet friends over a good cup of coffee, yeah?