Why Goals Matter


If you’re anything like me, Sunday is the day that you get your life together. It’s the meal prep, laundry, cleaning and planning day. The day where you look over your schedule for the week and start to lay out what the week will look like for you. Basically, I try to pull all of my sh*t together in about three hours on Sunday night #relatable

A Sunday night a few weeks ago. I was sitting at my desk and looking down at a long, long to do list. And I was overwhelmed just looking at it, not to mention thinking about actually getting it done. And obviously, I knew the solution to the overwhelm was to prioritize what was most important. BUT. It was late. And I was tired. And frankly, I didn’t want to think that hard.

Why Your Goals Matter

Luckily, my subconscious sent me a reminder at the moment when I was ready to just call it a night. JUST DO THE THINGS THAT GET YOU TOWARDS YOUR THREE GOALS. Ah yes, those three most important things I promised myself that I would work on in 2020.  It was simple thought, but right at that moment it was the perfect nudge I needed to focus.

I went through that huge long list and I starred the things that were directly related to my top three 2020 goals. And those were the first things that I scheduled into my days for the week. If I did nothing else except for those few things this week, it would be a success and I could actually say that I made progress towards making my goals happen. 

We’ve all had experiences where we’ve set goals and forgotten them. It’s happened to me many times. The place where we tend to get lost is not in the goal setting but in the goal GETTING. Doing the actual work, the actual things (habits and actions), that will give us traction and make us move forward- that’s the hard part. Because life gets in the way. We’re busy and tired and have a lot to do. And that’s why having goals matter. Because they help you identify the way that you should really be spending your time. 

They say that the way you spend your days becomes the way that you spend your life. Use your goals in 2020 to turn your to do list into the life you truly want to be living. 

If you liked this post, check out my recent posts on How to Keep Your Goals on Your Mind and Tools to Change Your LIfe in 2020 

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

How to Make a Vision Board

If you’ve delved even slightly into personal growth and development strategies, you’ve likely heard of a vision board. If not, here’s one of my favorite videos from YouTuber Lavendaire that explains the idea behind the exercise. I made my first one in September as I was starting my new job and as I started the new year, I wanted to create another one that aligned with my 2019 Goals. I’ve shared mine below, so tell me- have you ever created a vision board?

You can find tons of resources on YouTube or Pinterest if you want to know more about making your own. I created mine digitally, but you can also go the hands-on route and use newspapers and magazines to find the images that you think represent what you want for your life.

CHECK OUT My 2020 Vision Board Video on YouTube!

2019 Vision Board- January.jpg
Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

What Should Your Goals Look Like?

What Should Your Goals Look Like?

What do I have planned for 2019? A lot of awesome stuff, that’s what! I feel like I finally have the right tools in my life to not only set goals- BUT- to actually DO THEM. I’ll share more about my favorite goal planning resources later, but for now- here’s my 2019 goals.


  1. Start A Blog. Now, I could technically count this one as achieved (as you are here, reading said blog), but I can’t actually cross this off my list until I actually upkeep and maintain Morning Coffee all year long.

  2. Take A Big Trip With My Husband. We love travelling together. Our last ‘big’ trip was to the East Coast in 2016. We travel locally often, but this year, we’ve decided to finally take that international trip we’ve talked about taking for quite awhile now.

  3. Remake my Routines. (Especially my morning routine). I went through a lot of change last year. We got married, we both got new jobs, and we moved to a new city and a new house. While I am better at embracing change than I used to be, I also crave routine and structure. This year, I want to revitalize all my routines- money, cleaning, morning, grocery shopping and meal prepping, exercise, seeing my friends and family, etc.


Other Goals:

  1. Curate my home. I want to spend a good amount of time decorating and organizing our new house.

  2. I want to make a photo book and a gallery wall of our wedding photos. We spent so much money on those babies! I want to be intentional about using them well!

  3. Take some online courses. I want to learn more about managing an online business and social media.

  4. My 2019 Reading List. I want to read these five books, plus more I’m sure!

  5. I want to explore my style and have more fun with my wardrobe. I have more freedom with my style now and I want to embrace and simplify wearing what I really love.

This isn’t a fully encompassing list, as there are many components to each of these goals, but this is the general list of what I want to get done this year. What’s on your list?


Hey, I’m Meghan

Welcome to Morning Coffee, a place where I’ll be writing every week- about my life and my goals, my house, things I love, resources I have and tools I use. It’s not only a place where I can feel joy in sharing my thoughts with the world, but hopefully a place where someone else, maybe you, can find entertainment, inspiration or camaraderie. Let’s be internet friends over a good cup of coffee, yeah?