How I Used My December

Get Ready for 2020

New Year’s Resolutions. You make them every year. Even if you don’t make them in a formal way by writing them down or setting goals, you’ve probably thought something along the lines of,  “I should really do (that thing you want to do but have put off). I’m so busy right now but next year I will for sure. January! It’s the beginning of a whole new me!.”

And while there’s nothing wrong with *hoping* for a better you in 2019, we have a tendency to phone it in in the last few months of the year instead of starting *early* to do the things we really want to do in the next year. This year, I was inspired to take December to a) finish out all of the work I assigned myself at the beginning of the year and b) to start working on the goals I have for 2019 by author Rachel Hollis’s Last 90 Days Challenge. Her message is pretty simple and so powerful- “What if we ended our year with as much intention as we typically begin it?”

Finish Out 2018 Strong

Just because I’d lost traction on a goals I’d set for myself last New Year’s Eve doesn’t mean I should just throw my hands in the air and call it a loss. What if - instead of blowing it off- I just picked back up where I left off and made some progress? Anything, even a small step forward, means you’ve actually worked on and follow through with your resolutions, right? The holiday season is usually a blur, and it can be easy to view the last month of the year as a total wash, but there are THIRTY ONE DAYS in December, you guys. That’s plenty of time to still get some shit done.

Start 2019 NOW

Instead of waiting until January 1 to work on the things that will really make your life change in 2019, I tried to start doing them now. For example, I’m *that* person who has “exercise regularly” as a habit I want to cultivate in the new year. (eye rolls for my basic-ness, please) but I’m not really doing myself any favors by sitting on my good intentions until January 1st. So, this December, I researched gyms in my new area and got a membership so I could start the habit of going to the gym immediately and not next year. It will still be a 2019 goal of mine, but at least I am leveling up my actions to my intentions and starting the year with progress.

What are your plans for 2019?


Hey, I’m Meghan

Welcome to Morning Coffee, a place where I’ll be writing every week- about my life and my goals, my house, things I love, resources I have and tools I use. It’s not only a place where I can feel joy in sharing my thoughts with the world, but hopefully a place where someone else, maybe you, can find entertainment, inspiration or camaraderie. Let’s be internet friends over a good cup of coffee, yeah?