My Favorite Podcasts


Do you need something new to listen to on your summer trip or next visit to the pool? I thought you might. Here’s some of the podcasts that I am loving lately to give you some new ideas for your summer listening leisure. (Though for the record, I’m usually listening to these in the car or on a walk instead of a pool).

Happier with Gretchen Rubin: Hosted by author Gretchen Rubin and her sister, this podcast is all about happiness and good habits. Who doesn’t want more of that? This is a great listen when you want something light and easy to enjoy. Perfect for summer!

Best Podcasts for Women

Goal Digger Podcast: This is a great one for any person who works and is looking for new ideas on how to do it better, more efficiently, or with more joy. That sounds boring, but Jenna is SO entertaining that I promise it doesn’t feel like work. Jenna is a photographer, online educator and influencer who is really good at being authentic and doesn’t shy away from sharing the details of her success.

The Marie Forleo Podcast: I fell in love with this podcast after a recent episode where show host Marie Forleo interviewed author Kate Northrup on “How to Do Less and Accomplish More”. It was really easy to listen to and digest and I got some practical tips I could use right away. Give that episode a listen!

RISE Podcast: If you’ve been around here for awhile, you know how much I love me some Rachel Hollis. She’s all about personal growth, taking action and making your dreams happen, no excuses. She covers a variety of topics from business to personal to life in her interviews, so there’s a little something for everyone here.

Detail Therapy with Amy Landino: She’s one of my favorite (if not actual favorite) YouTubers, so it was natural that I would love this podcast. Amy is passionate about going after the life you want and she interviews people from all walks of life and gets all of the details on how they’ve achieved personal success in their lives. Amy keeps it fun and spirited with her guests and I always come away with a few good nuggets.

Happy listening and I hope you soak up every little bit of summer this year! See you next week,


Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!