3 Things I've Bought to Improve My Life Lately


Instead of doing a “favorites” post this quarter, I thought I’d highlight some of the things that I’ve bought recently that have ACTUALLY made a difference in my daily life. Hope you enjoy! 

Hello Fresh- I’ve been wanting to try a meal delivery service for some time now. I’ve known many other people who’ve tried them and I wanted to see if it would help me get back some more time in my week by not having to think of meals and buy all of the ingredients at the grocery store. They have some introductory pricing available for new customers, so our plan for 3 meals for 2 people came to just $24 for the first week and about $30 each week for the next month. Regular price is around $60, so it’s nice to get to try it out at a lower rate before deciding whether to keep my subscription. I will be sure to share my thoughts on Hello Fresh on my Instagram

New vacuum- This is how you know you are officially old- you spend your Friday night buying a new vacuum at the store and then coming home to put it together and vacuuming your entire house. Our old vacuum had completely lost its suction and we did our best to clean it up and clear it out ourselves, but in reality, the vacuum was 6 years old. As I was shopping around for new ones, it was very clear that they’ve made some big design and functionality improvements since 2013! I ended up with this Shark rocket stick vacuum because it works well for both carpet and hardwood floors, has a detachable hand vacuum and was ultra light with a self-cleaning brushroll. SO MUCH EASIER to vacuum! 

New books- I’m really excited to be starting The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin this week and I also grabbed the classic 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey in my order as well. Check out my 2019 Reading List or my post on Four (More) Books to Read in 2019 for some more book recommendations. 

Tell me about something that you’ve bought lately that has improved your life in the comments below. Have you tried a meal delivery service? What household item can you replace to make your cleaning more efficient? What books are you reading right now?

Have a great week, 


Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I love coffee, yoga pants, planners and color coordinating markers. Sound familiar? Yes! Let’s be internet BFFs. I am here sharing content on all things organization, productivity, goal getting and personal growth. Welcome!

My Favorite Podcasts


Do you need something new to listen to on your summer trip or next visit to the pool? I thought you might. Here’s some of the podcasts that I am loving lately to give you some new ideas for your summer listening leisure. (Though for the record, I’m usually listening to these in the car or on a walk instead of a pool).

Happier with Gretchen Rubin: Hosted by author Gretchen Rubin and her sister, this podcast is all about happiness and good habits. Who doesn’t want more of that? This is a great listen when you want something light and easy to enjoy. Perfect for summer!

Best Podcasts for Women

Goal Digger Podcast: This is a great one for any person who works and is looking for new ideas on how to do it better, more efficiently, or with more joy. That sounds boring, but Jenna is SO entertaining that I promise it doesn’t feel like work. Jenna is a photographer, online educator and influencer who is really good at being authentic and doesn’t shy away from sharing the details of her success.

The Marie Forleo Podcast: I fell in love with this podcast after a recent episode where show host Marie Forleo interviewed author Kate Northrup on “How to Do Less and Accomplish More”. It was really easy to listen to and digest and I got some practical tips I could use right away. Give that episode a listen!

RISE Podcast: If you’ve been around here for awhile, you know how much I love me some Rachel Hollis. She’s all about personal growth, taking action and making your dreams happen, no excuses. She covers a variety of topics from business to personal to life in her interviews, so there’s a little something for everyone here.

Detail Therapy with Amy Landino: She’s one of my favorite (if not actual favorite) YouTubers, so it was natural that I would love this podcast. Amy is passionate about going after the life you want and she interviews people from all walks of life and gets all of the details on how they’ve achieved personal success in their lives. Amy keeps it fun and spirited with her guests and I always come away with a few good nuggets.

Happy listening and I hope you soak up every little bit of summer this year! See you next week,


Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

The Positives of Social Media


Let’s face it - social media gets a bad rap. We are bombarded all the time with notions such as “Social media is all fake”, “People waste too much time on social media”, and “Social media just makes people feel bad about themselves.” We’ve all heard this before, right? Well, I’m here to tell you- I sincerely disagree. Social media is NOT all  bad.

Social Media Is Not All Bad

Can it be overwhelming and toxic? Sure can. But so can other meant-to-be-positive things in our lives like family members, friends and coworkers. Are there fake, pretentious people on social media? Heck yes there are. But there’s also incredible, positive and inspiring people online. It’s all about who you CHOOSE to surround yourself with, and more importantly, who you choose to NOT surround yourself with. If your social media feeds are making you feel bad about yourself, then you are not following, friending or subscribing to the right group of people.

Personally, I have found such amazing resources through social media. YouTube is solely responsible for setting me on a path of personal growth and development last year and the reason I started this blog. Twitter has connected me to a diverse group of friends from all over the world who hang out together online and meet up at events all over the country. Daily Instagram posts from my favorite social media personalities encourage me everyday. My endless scrolls through Pinterest boards have inspired ideas for everything in my life- from my home, to my work, to my relationships and my health.

In the age of the Internet, we have EVERY opportunity readily available to us to learn, grow, develop, change and enhance what we do and who we are everyday. You just have to seek out, weed through and connect to the right humans.  

Take a look at my list of favorite social media accounts for some awesome people I love to follow. And- (insert shameless plug here), make sure you are following me on Instagram and Facebook. I post inspirational and positive stuff there daily. : )

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Winter Favorites 2019

Let’s be honest, winter gets a bad rap. The season is associated with gray skies, cold weather, and cold and flu season. As a tried-and-true  Midwesterner, I have to say tho- it’s not all that bad! As a matter of fact, as I write this, it’s all sunny and blue skies over here. As with everything else, weather is what you make of it. Here’s a few of the fun things I’m digging right now to brighten up my winter.

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Holiday 2019 Faves

Ultimate Holiday Faves

Currently craving: Anything minty! I am on a big mint kick this year. I burned lots of minty candles from Bath and Body Works, like Peppermint Marshmallow, Twisted Peppermint and Vanilla Balsam (not online right now, but check your store) and ate my weight in candy canes. #notsorry

Mug: I got this beauty in a family women’s gift exchange and I got very excited when I got it out of the Christmas bin. Even when I’m sipping it a work, I feel festive! Target doesn’t have this one anymore, but they have a huge selection of new ones to pick from.

Reading: The Bravest You by Adam Kirk Smith

It’s Magic: Every year, I swear that my Christmas tree is the best one we’ve ever had. But this year, guys, I swear we really did it. I’m in love. Don’t Christmas lights just make everything look freaking magical?

Quote Of the Month: “What if we ended each year as intentionally as we began it?” - Rachel Hollis


Hey, I’m Meghan

Welcome to Morning Coffee, a place where I’ll be writing every week- about my life and my goals, my house, things I love, resources I have and tools I use. It’s not only a place where I can feel joy in sharing my thoughts with the world, but hopefully a place where someone else, maybe you, can find entertainment, inspiration or camaraderie. Let’s be internet friends over a good cup of coffee, yeah