Book Review: Girl, Stop Apologizing


Why I picked it up: Um...because Rachel Hollis is basically the life. And I love her. And  I love that Rachel’s brand is all about empowering women and taking control of your life and going out into the world and doing ALL THE THINGS that you want to do. One of her mottos is “Made for More” and I truly resonate with that on such a big level.  She’s a great personal growth guru to follow on social media so you can be inspired by her on the daily. (see her links at the end of the post),

What I Learned: Well, I could literally go on and on for days on this, but you don’t have that kind of time and neither do I, so here’s a bunch of quotes that literally made me go- “HOLY SH*T, there’s so much truth to that!” PREACH, SISTER!

Girl, Stop Apologizing Book Review
  • “Have you ever considered how much of your current life is made up of your choices and which areas are really just the things that were expected of you?”

  • “I was raised thinking that my real value was based on the role I would play for other people. After all, being deemed a good wife or a good mother or a good daughter is rarely based on how true you are to yourself.”  And later - “We’ve been taught that we don’t have any value without the good opinions of others”.

  • “The second I start to give inordinate weight to any of it [other people’s opinions], is the second my priorities get out of alignment.”

  • “It matters what YOU think of you.”

  • “Confidence is the belief that you count on yourself- that you trust your gut in the place you find yourself.”

  • “Sis, the problem isn’t that you aren’t accomplished. The problem is that you don’t give yourself credit for the things you have done.”

  • “Is your schedule populated by things that will make your life better or is it dictated by everyone else’s wants and needs?”

Follow Rachel on Instagram

Buy Girl, Stop Apologizing (Affiliate link) on Amazon

Rachel’s blog The Chic Site

"The problem is that most women I know don’t struggle to show up for others; they struggle to show up for themselves.” — Rachel Hollis

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!