Book Review: Big Magic

Book Review: Big Magic

I thought I’d write this book review a little differently for you today because when I really thought about it the book “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert really addresses the misconceptions and fears that people have when it comes to trying something new in their lives. For me, that’s starting this blog. For you, it may be pitching a new idea to the boss at work, or starting a new hobby like yoga or salsa dancing or making a big change in your life. Here’s some of the key questions Gilbert responds to in the book. 

Are You Creative? Gilbert tackles this common misconception in the first section of the book, saying that creative living goes far beyond being an actual artist as a profession. She explains that a creative life is simply a life that recognizes that we are more than the sum of our daily duties and that pursues joy always. “A creative life is an amplified life,” she says. “It’s a bigger life and an expanded life and a hell of a lot more interesting life.”

She goes on to say, “Are you considering becoming a creative person? Too late, you already are one.

Am I Original Enough? This was definitely a fear I experienced when thinking of starting this blog. Will anyone listen or care about what I have to say? It’s been done before. Maybe you are thinking of starting a new project and work or at home and feel the same way. Gilbert says, “Creative entitlement simply means believing that you are allowed to be here and that merely by being here- you are allowed to have a voice and vision of your own.”

Even though something has been attempted before, it hasn’t been attempted by you. “Share what you are driven to share,” Gilbert urges. “If it’s authentic enough,believe me- it will feel original.” 

What If People Hate It? “I can only be in charge of producing the work itself. That’s a hard enough job,” she writes. “I refuse to take on any additional jobs, such as trying to police what anybody thinks about my work once it leaves my desk.” 


She later emphasizes this again when she says, “ Recognizing this reality- that the reaction doesn’t belong to you- is the only sane way to create.” 

What If It’s Not Perfect? Simply put, Gilbert says perfection should not be a goal. “It starts by forgetting about perfect. We don’t have time for perfect.”  She says that perfectionism is what tends to stop people from creating in the first place, which only holds us back from living fully. 

“At some point, you really just have to finish your work and release it as is- if only so that you can go on to make other things with a glad and determined heart. Which is the whole point. Or it should be.” 

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Four (More) Books to Read in 2019


In January, I shared the books that were on my 2019 Reading List and I thought I would update you on how I’m doing on the list halfway through the year. This is really the first time in my adult life that I’ve made reading a priority and set a goal of reading regularly. I genuinely have to say that I’ve been LOVING it. I’ve really gotten some great information and inspiration from the books I’ve been reading and I hope you can find a few good books to add to your own list. Here’s a review on a few of the books I’ve read this year PLUS a list of the ones I’m adding to read this fall and winter.

Adding to My 2019 Reading List:

Do It Scared by Ruth Soukup

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

The Books You Have to Read

You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

Already Read in 2019: Of the five books on my original 2019 reading list, three have reviews up on the blog already: Homebody by Joanna Gaines, Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis, and The Home Edit by Clea Schearer and Joanna Teplin. I’ve already finished Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert so look for that review to be up on the blog soon!

In case you are curious about any of these titles, I’ve also read The Checklist Manifesto, The Ultimate Sales Machine, and Shut Up and Sell More for work purposes.

Tell me-what books have you been reading lately? I would LOVE some recommendations! Happy reading : )

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Book Review: Homebody by Joanna Gaines


Why I picked it up: I’ve been a Joanna Gaines fan since the early days of Fixer Upper on HGTV. Though her style isn’t necessarily what I would choose for myself, I knew she’d be a great resource for tips and insight as I decorate our new house.

My Key Takeaways:

Homebody Book Review
  1. Make it meaningful - Joanna spent a good amount of time in the book touching on being thoughtful with the items you put into a home. She says, “ I believe what we surround ourselves with - the colors, the materials, the things- can be random and meaningless or they can convey some of our most important truths if we let them.”

  2. Make it functional- In the chapter on entryways, Joanna talked about making spaces functional is still more important than the look so it works for your home and the people in it. I took her advice and bought a “catch-all” tray for our back entryway where our keys, sunglasses, etc. can live when we come in each night.

  3. Make it simple- If you are familiar with Joanna’s style, you’ll know that she prefers a minimal, pared down look. She advises, “ Our homes should be a source of happiness to the people who live there, so surround yourself with things that you love and let go of the rest.”

Overall, the book was organized in a really easy to consume way. Each chapter tackled one room, so it will be easy for me to go back and refer to it when I am working on the room. The book had a great amount of quick reference lists and tips that were practical and well laid out. I’d definitely recommend this one if you are looking to design or redesign a space in your house. Plus, this book is so pretty, you can display it on your coffee table when you’re done. Dual purpose!

Buy Homebody on Amazon ( Affiliate link- thank you!)

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Book Review: Girl, Stop Apologizing


Why I picked it up: Um...because Rachel Hollis is basically the life. And I love her. And  I love that Rachel’s brand is all about empowering women and taking control of your life and going out into the world and doing ALL THE THINGS that you want to do. One of her mottos is “Made for More” and I truly resonate with that on such a big level.  She’s a great personal growth guru to follow on social media so you can be inspired by her on the daily. (see her links at the end of the post),

What I Learned: Well, I could literally go on and on for days on this, but you don’t have that kind of time and neither do I, so here’s a bunch of quotes that literally made me go- “HOLY SH*T, there’s so much truth to that!” PREACH, SISTER!

Girl, Stop Apologizing Book Review
  • “Have you ever considered how much of your current life is made up of your choices and which areas are really just the things that were expected of you?”

  • “I was raised thinking that my real value was based on the role I would play for other people. After all, being deemed a good wife or a good mother or a good daughter is rarely based on how true you are to yourself.”  And later - “We’ve been taught that we don’t have any value without the good opinions of others”.

  • “The second I start to give inordinate weight to any of it [other people’s opinions], is the second my priorities get out of alignment.”

  • “It matters what YOU think of you.”

  • “Confidence is the belief that you count on yourself- that you trust your gut in the place you find yourself.”

  • “Sis, the problem isn’t that you aren’t accomplished. The problem is that you don’t give yourself credit for the things you have done.”

  • “Is your schedule populated by things that will make your life better or is it dictated by everyone else’s wants and needs?”

Follow Rachel on Instagram

Buy Girl, Stop Apologizing (Affiliate link) on Amazon

Rachel’s blog The Chic Site

"The problem is that most women I know don’t struggle to show up for others; they struggle to show up for themselves.” — Rachel Hollis

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Book Review: The Home Edit

As we always say, you can have the item or you can have the space, but you can’t have both!
— The Home Edit by Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin

Why I picked it up: So many reasons! 1. I’m a bit of an organizational enthusiast, so I nerd out over this stuff in general all the time. 2. I follow them on Instagram and they are hilarious and 3. The book came out a perfect time for me, as we moved into our new house and spring cleaning season hit.

What I Learned:

  1. In the book, the authors emphasize that their combination of organization combines function and design in a way that makes spaces not only look great, but stay organized for the long term. “Sprinkling this extra layer of pixie dust inspires people to maintain their organized spaces. Which is the whole point!”

  2. It’s okay to get rid of things. I’ve discovered as I’ve tried to clean out our belongings before and after our move that I do feel a lot of guilt about getting rid of things that I don’t want, either because it was a gift, or it was expensive, or because I personally bought something that I shouldn’t have. When looking at an item you feel you bought by mistake, they urge “Don’t double down on the mistake by keeping it!”

  3. Not every item will fall into the keep or discard pile. I loved that they spent time in the book to point out that there are some items that won’t fall into the binary choice of keep or toss. Something that is sentimental, but you don’t use everyday should be stored away in a basement or attic. That way it’s safe, but it’s not taking up valuable space elsewhere.

  4. Label, label, label! As stated in the book, “We believe that this [labeling] is actually the secret to long-term maintenance.” This could be especially helpful in my case, as I’m the one doing all of the organizing. How’s my husband supposed to know where things go if I don’t tell him somehow? The thought of labeling things seems a bit too permanent for me, so I might look into labels that can be erased/changed if needed.

Do I think having a perfectly organized home is absolutely necessary? No, I really don't’t. But I do see the benefit in getting spaces organized if you have the time, brain space, cash and resources to make it happen. Getting the containers to organize every closet, cupboard and drawer in my house sounds daunting, so I’m going to try to break it into small pieces. Hey, they recommend starting with just one drawer.

BUY THE BOOK ON AMAZON (affiliate link- thank you!)

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Shop all of THE’s favorite organizing products

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Book Review: The Bravest You

“Refusing to be brave isn’t living-it’s called hiding.”
— Adam Kirk Smith, "The Bravest You"
The Bravest You Book Review

Why I picked it up: When I picked this book up at the beginning of last year, I was facing a ton of change at home, at work and in my personal life and I was looking for any insight I could find on embracing that change. As a routine kind of person, I tend to resist change. I prefer the safety and security of things that are certain and proven by time. Bravery is not natural for me; I’m more of a cowardly lion. So… you could say I was asking the Great Wizard of Oz for some courage.

My Key Takeaways from the Book:

Complacency: Kirk Smith talks a lot at the beginning of the book about complacency and how being stuck in a state of complacency really comes from fear and doubt.. “It is in complacency that people keep to themselves, slog through a day at work, go home and then do it all over again, without ever moving outside of their comfort zone.” Fear of the unknown and the doubts I had about myself were keeping me in a place that was comfortable, but not a place that was challenging me to be better and moving me forward towards the life I wanted. He also points out that complacency is dangerous because “It isn’t always a quick jolt that knocks us off course. It is often a slight veering off course over a long period of time.”

Fear of Inexperience: In the book, Kirk Smith says that the fear of inadequacy commonly keeps people from moving forward, simply because they don’t think they would be good at doing what they really want to do, having never done it before. He challenges that by saying. “When we are passionate, we seek to know as much about our pursuit as we possibly can. In the process of doing this inadequacies- real and imagined- are almost guaranteed to fade away.” He goes on to say later that practice is the “enemy” to inadequacy and that “fear is only as powerful as your unfamiliarity allows it to be.” If you are afraid you aren’t good enough to (do that thing you really want to do), go and learn more about it. Taking action to learn more will prove to yourself that you are good enough.

Letting Go of the Past: “You cannot allow that which is already done and gone to hold you back indefinitely,” Kirk Smith says. It’s easy to chain yourself to the limiting beliefs you have about yourself because of something that has happened in your past or something that someone said to you in the past.  “You might as well begin using your past for good,” he urges. “The past chains us to our inadequacies.” We all have things in our past we aren’t proud of. But continually beating yourself up over them will not move you forward or help you reach a point where you are the exact opposite of what you were in the past.

Try It: Buy On Amazon

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Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!