How To Spend the Rest of 2019


Welp, here we are. It’s October. I have no actual idea of where September went- how about you? We are now officially in the last quarter of the year- the last 90 days of 2019- and this is the perfect time of year to stop and reflect on how your year is going and where you want to be on December 31st. 

Last year, right as I prepared to launch this blog, I wrote a post about how I used the month of December to get ready for the new year. It was inspired by Rachel Hollis’ Last 90 Days Challenge and am using it as motivation for this year as well. The idea is simple- “What if we ended the year with as much intention as we usually begin it?” With that in mind, here’s what I’ll be doing in Q4 to end 2019 strong and get ready for 2020:

  1. Get those goals- When you started the year, what was on your to do list? What was on your resolution list? How have you done with those things? You have THREE MONTHS to still get them those things done, and that’s a lot of time. For me, one of my goals for 2019 was to make a photo book and photo collages of our wedding photos. I have started on the photo collages, but haven’t made much progress, so after revisiting my goals, I have made that item a priority on my list for the end of this year. I also plan to spend some time writing down my routines to see where I am with creating them for myself after so much change last year. 

  2. Reflect on the year- Near the end of the year- December probably- I will start looking back over 2019 and basically recapping where I’ve been and where I am at. Life can be a blur sometimes, so even flipping through your planner or the photos on your phone can help give you a big picture of what you’ve spent your time on in the last twelve months. It can help you decide what you want to do more of, what you want to do less of, and what you want to start or stop doing all together in the next year. 

  3. Start on 2020 NOW- You’ve probably already had already had a few thoughts run through your head about things you wish  you were doing or plan to start in the New Year. Don’t wait to start until January- begin building now. If you want to work out more in January, join a gym or find a fitness class NOW and start going. Give yourself a head start so you can start 2020 with some traction behind you. I’m launching a new piece of content for Morning Coffee in 2020, but I am working hard at it right now so that I am ready to hit the ground running in January. 

    If you’re having a hard time figuring out where to start with your last 90 days, here are some questions you can ask yourself to give you some direction.

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I love coffee, yoga pants, planners and color coordinating markers. Sound familiar? Yes! Let’s be internet BFFs. I am here sharing content on all things organization, productivity, goal getting and personal growth. Welcome!

How to Read More

How to Read More

Fall is the perfect time to cozy up with a blanket and a book… and a good cup of coffee, of course. Do you want to read more but struggle to commit the time to it? Here’s some of the things that have helped me read on a regular basis in the last year-

  1. Little by little- Because of my work schedule, I don't really tend to have huge, uninterrupted spans of time when I could read for an hour or two. So, I read for 10 minutes a day. It doesn’t sound like much, but I was really surprised how quickly I would get through books by just doing a few minutes a day. Pick a set time frame (10 minutes, 15 minutes, etc) that you could devote to reading each day.

  2. Set a timer- I found that it was easier to focus on what I was reading if I set a timer on my phone for my ten minutes so that I wasn’t glancing up from my book every couple minutes to check the time. With a timer, I can go all in on reading and my phone will tell me when it’s time to stop. And sometimes- I don’t! If I’m close to finishing a section or a chapter, I’ll keep going if I have the time. The timer doesn’t lock you in, but it does ensure you’re getting your minimum time in. 

  3. Have a pencil handy- This tip would likely apply to non-fiction reading (which is my favorite), but I underline, star and circle things in books that I really want to remember. Quotes I like, ideas that sound interesting to me, or things that apply to me personally. Even in a fiction book, you may find a phrase or passage that you really like and want to remember it or have it for later. Making notations in  your books helps you commit things to memory and get more value out of the words on the page. If a book has a LOT of information that I want to remember, I will actually write my highlighted sections in a notebook so I have them to reference later .

  4. Take action- The whole point of reading a book is to learn something new or broaden your perspective. DO something with what you’ve just read! I’ve found that actually applying a tip from what you’ve read motivates me to read more. For example, when I read The Home Edit, I bought some paint markers and labeled the containers we have  in our master bathroom cabinet, and when I read Homebody I bought a metal tray for our entry way to collect keys, hats, and purses by our main entry door.  Applying what you’ve read helps you see in real life how reading can make your life better. 

Not sure what to read? Check out my 2019 Reading List, Four More Books to Read in 2019, and my Bookshelf page on the blog. 

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I love coffee, yoga pants, planners and color coordinating markers. Sound familiar? Yes! Let’s be internet BFFs. I am here sharing content on all things organization, productivity, goal getting and personal growth. Welcome!

3 Things I've Bought to Improve My Life Lately


Instead of doing a “favorites” post this quarter, I thought I’d highlight some of the things that I’ve bought recently that have ACTUALLY made a difference in my daily life. Hope you enjoy! 

Hello Fresh- I’ve been wanting to try a meal delivery service for some time now. I’ve known many other people who’ve tried them and I wanted to see if it would help me get back some more time in my week by not having to think of meals and buy all of the ingredients at the grocery store. They have some introductory pricing available for new customers, so our plan for 3 meals for 2 people came to just $24 for the first week and about $30 each week for the next month. Regular price is around $60, so it’s nice to get to try it out at a lower rate before deciding whether to keep my subscription. I will be sure to share my thoughts on Hello Fresh on my Instagram

New vacuum- This is how you know you are officially old- you spend your Friday night buying a new vacuum at the store and then coming home to put it together and vacuuming your entire house. Our old vacuum had completely lost its suction and we did our best to clean it up and clear it out ourselves, but in reality, the vacuum was 6 years old. As I was shopping around for new ones, it was very clear that they’ve made some big design and functionality improvements since 2013! I ended up with this Shark rocket stick vacuum because it works well for both carpet and hardwood floors, has a detachable hand vacuum and was ultra light with a self-cleaning brushroll. SO MUCH EASIER to vacuum! 

New books- I’m really excited to be starting The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin this week and I also grabbed the classic 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey in my order as well. Check out my 2019 Reading List or my post on Four (More) Books to Read in 2019 for some more book recommendations. 

Tell me about something that you’ve bought lately that has improved your life in the comments below. Have you tried a meal delivery service? What household item can you replace to make your cleaning more efficient? What books are you reading right now?

Have a great week, 


Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I love coffee, yoga pants, planners and color coordinating markers. Sound familiar? Yes! Let’s be internet BFFs. I am here sharing content on all things organization, productivity, goal getting and personal growth. Welcome!

How to Tackle A Big Project

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Whether it’s work-related, personal or a project around your house, we all have things we’d like to take on (or have to take on, in some work cases). When you’re standing at the beginning of a huge task with lots of steps, it can feel so overwhelming and like you don’t even know where to begin. Here’s the steps that I use when I’m facing a huge project. These steps helped me start this blog, plan a trip to Ireland, and decorate my new house. I hope you will find them useful, too! 

How to Tackle A Big Project

1.BRAINSTORM- Get all of your ideas out onto paper. Especially when you have no idea where to start, getting all of the thoughts about the project out of your brain and into one page so you can start to wrap your brain around it. For example,  If you are planning a redecoration of your living room, you might write down everything from paint colors to plants to cleaning out the TV cabinet. There’s no rules for a brainstorm- just write down any and every thing you can think of around the topic and you’ll organize it later.

2. LAY IT OUT LOGISTICALLY- Look at your brainstorm and figure out what needs to happen first or what needs to happen before other items can get done. For the example above, you’d need to paint the walls before you hung up new wall art, and you’d want to wait to buy a rug until you found new furniture for the room so  that you knew what size you needed.

3. PRIORITIZE- Some tasks for your project may not be time bound in any way. If that is the case, look at the whole scope of your project and decide what’s most important to you. Maybe getting a new light fixture would be great, but it doesn’t mean as much to you as getting a new couch. Big projects can often come up against time or financial constraints (or both). Choosing your priorities ahead of time makes sure that you spend your time and energy on the most important parts of the project. 

4. SCHEDULE IT- After you’ve organized and prioritized the steps for your project, you should have a clearer idea of where you need to begin. Identify the first few steps you need to take and give yourself a timeline for getting it done. For your living room redecoration, maybe step one is to research new decor ideas on PInterest or take a shopping trip to some furniture stores to get ideas on what you’d like in your new space. Take a look at your calendar and pick a day when you have time to do those first few tasks and schedule time in to do it. 

5. TAKE ACTION- All of the planning and organization in the world won’t help you get a project done if you don’t actually DO the things that you’ve planned. Once you’ve scheduled something in, you have to follow through on it. Make the steps as simple and easy as possible, especially at first, so that they are easy for you to accomplish and follow through on. 

I hope that helps give you some ideas on how you can ACTUALLY take a big project or goal from idea to reality. Comment below on one of the projects you are currently working on! 

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Plan Your Month (Free Printable!)

Monthly Planning Printable.jpg

Hey guys, welcome back to the blog!

A new month began just last week and as I was prepping for it, I drew up a little monthly planning printable that I thought you all might find useful as well!

You can print this out a write on it, or just use it as a template and write it out in a notebook or scratch piece of paper.


The Best Monthly Planning Printable

HOW TO USE IT: This is fairly self-explanatory, but here’s an overview of the steps:

  1. Write the month and year on the top section.

  2. Use the first box to brainstorm a list of everything that needs to get done this month and the things you would like to do this month.

  3. Then, break down that large of tasks down by assigning each task to a week when you have the time and resources to do it. (or if it is an item that has a deadline, assigning to the appropriate week.)

  4. At the start of each new week, come back to your list and review the tasks assigned to that week one by one:

    • Is there anything from last week that I need to transfer over?

    • What needs to get done this week?

    • What needs to move to next week

  5. Plan each task for a specific day of the week when you can get to it.


Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

5 Questions for A Better Year


YOU.GUYS. It’s freaking September today, SEPT.EM.BER. How did we even get here? Wasn’t it just May yesterday? I swear the time goes by faster every year. We are officially in the last part of 2019, but it’s not too late to make the most of the year that you have left. We often get so caught up in living the day to day tasks and responsibilities of our lives that we can forget to stop and take a step back and ask ourselves if we are really living our best lives. (And not the Instagram version of your best life. Your ACTUAL best life). 

As I am taking some time this week to get clear about my plans for the end of the year, I thought I’d challenge you to spend some time thinking about creating the life you want as well. 

Here’s five questions to ask yourself: 

5 Questions for a Better Year
  1. What do I wish I did more of?

  2. What things make me feel the happiest? How can I do these things more?

  3. What constitutes a life that I am proud of?

  4. What is draining my time or energy?

  5. What kind of people do I want to surround myself with?

Literally take out a piece of paper and write down your thoughts. And most importantly, use what you’ve learned from this exercise to plan your September. Pick a date. Plan the time. Make it happen. I know you can! And your future self will thank you for it.

Have a great week ahead, 


Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

The Cassa-Kitchen

I’m back with another house update for you, and this week we are moving into the kitchen. The kitchen of this house was one of the big sellers for us because of the open layout to the dining room and the ample storage space. I hope you enjoy another little peek into our home!


The wall color is Oyster Bay by Sherwin Williams. We also carried the same color through to the dining room since the spaces are so open to one another.


I utilized the space above the cabinets to display some cute decor pieces that matched the color scheme or fit the subtle coffee motif I have happening in here.


I pulled in a shade of navy blue with matching rugs in front of the sink and the patio door in the dining room from Kohls. That is also where I got my kitchen towels from.


Eventually, I would like new light fixtures in the kitchen and to replace the bar stools with a set that’s a bit more decorative, but I’d say round one on the kitchen is complete!

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

When You Don't Finish Your To-Do List


I like to think of myself as a “productivist” because I REALLY like to get things done. I’m the kind of person that you send in when there’s a long list of things to do and only a certain amount of time to do them. I love the satisfaction that comes from checking something off of my list!

When You Don't Finish Your To Do List

And, in general, I would say that I do a pretty good job of finishing tasks, but real life means that will always be times when I don’t. And not because I chose not to do those things (though I do do that) but because sh*t happens. I could wake up with a migraine or walk into a urgent situation at work that absolutely has to be taken care of right away or an errand takes way longer to finish then expected. Super frustrating.

I heard something from Muchelle B on YouTube that i found super helpful so I wanted to share this with you. Here’s some questions you can ask yourself when you go to re-evaluate the things left on your to do list.:

  • Does this need to be done NOW?

  • Does this need to be done BY ME?

  • Does this need to be done AT ALL?

Take some pressure off of yourself and really be honest about the necessity of the items on your list. Is it something that can wait? Is it something that your spouse or your coworker or your mom could do for you? Is it something that truly has to happen or is it just something that would be nice to do?

Asking myself these questions recently actually made me realize that a vast majority of things on my list were self-assigned tasks- things that I had delegated to myself- and the truth was that most of them weren’t critical at all.

What’s one thing on your to do list that you’ve re-evaluated after you’ve asked yourself these questions? Comment below!

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Book Review: Big Magic

Book Review: Big Magic

I thought I’d write this book review a little differently for you today because when I really thought about it the book “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert really addresses the misconceptions and fears that people have when it comes to trying something new in their lives. For me, that’s starting this blog. For you, it may be pitching a new idea to the boss at work, or starting a new hobby like yoga or salsa dancing or making a big change in your life. Here’s some of the key questions Gilbert responds to in the book. 

Are You Creative? Gilbert tackles this common misconception in the first section of the book, saying that creative living goes far beyond being an actual artist as a profession. She explains that a creative life is simply a life that recognizes that we are more than the sum of our daily duties and that pursues joy always. “A creative life is an amplified life,” she says. “It’s a bigger life and an expanded life and a hell of a lot more interesting life.”

She goes on to say, “Are you considering becoming a creative person? Too late, you already are one.

Am I Original Enough? This was definitely a fear I experienced when thinking of starting this blog. Will anyone listen or care about what I have to say? It’s been done before. Maybe you are thinking of starting a new project and work or at home and feel the same way. Gilbert says, “Creative entitlement simply means believing that you are allowed to be here and that merely by being here- you are allowed to have a voice and vision of your own.”

Even though something has been attempted before, it hasn’t been attempted by you. “Share what you are driven to share,” Gilbert urges. “If it’s authentic enough,believe me- it will feel original.” 

What If People Hate It? “I can only be in charge of producing the work itself. That’s a hard enough job,” she writes. “I refuse to take on any additional jobs, such as trying to police what anybody thinks about my work once it leaves my desk.” 


She later emphasizes this again when she says, “ Recognizing this reality- that the reaction doesn’t belong to you- is the only sane way to create.” 

What If It’s Not Perfect? Simply put, Gilbert says perfection should not be a goal. “It starts by forgetting about perfect. We don’t have time for perfect.”  She says that perfectionism is what tends to stop people from creating in the first place, which only holds us back from living fully. 

“At some point, you really just have to finish your work and release it as is- if only so that you can go on to make other things with a glad and determined heart. Which is the whole point. Or it should be.” 

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Lists that Make My Life Easier

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I’m a list person. Hands-down, no questions about it, I love making lists. I think more specifically, I like checking things OFF of a list, but you get the idea. I easily forget things if I don’t write them down, so lists are a practical way to remember to do everything that has to happen. Aside from your standard to-do lists, here are some lists i keep to make my life easier:

Lists that Make Your Life Easier
  1. Gift Idea List- I keep a list in my phone of gift ideas for people so that when their birthday, Christmas or Mother’s Day rolls around, I don’t have to struggle with ideas. If you are with someone and they mention something that they need or love, put it in your list so you can give them a perfect gift when the time comes.

  2. Errands List - Have you ever gotten home from a trip to the grocery store and realized that you forgot to pick up a prescription from the drug store that is LITERALLY next to the grocery store you were just at? Keeping an errands list on my phone reminds me to run all of my errands on one trip so I’m not wasting time going to the same area twice.

  3. Address book- I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been ready to address an envelope at the post office or at work and been like, “Crap, I don’t have their address with me!”. Having a list of addresses in your phone that use frequently makes sure that wherever you are, you have those important lists with you everywhere. You could use a notes app on your phone, but my list is in Google Drive, which I can access from my phone as well.

There’s three lists that I find super helpful to keep. Tell me in a comment below- what lists make your life easier?

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Four (More) Books to Read in 2019


In January, I shared the books that were on my 2019 Reading List and I thought I would update you on how I’m doing on the list halfway through the year. This is really the first time in my adult life that I’ve made reading a priority and set a goal of reading regularly. I genuinely have to say that I’ve been LOVING it. I’ve really gotten some great information and inspiration from the books I’ve been reading and I hope you can find a few good books to add to your own list. Here’s a review on a few of the books I’ve read this year PLUS a list of the ones I’m adding to read this fall and winter.

Adding to My 2019 Reading List:

Do It Scared by Ruth Soukup

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

The Books You Have to Read

You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

Already Read in 2019: Of the five books on my original 2019 reading list, three have reviews up on the blog already: Homebody by Joanna Gaines, Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis, and The Home Edit by Clea Schearer and Joanna Teplin. I’ve already finished Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert so look for that review to be up on the blog soon!

In case you are curious about any of these titles, I’ve also read The Checklist Manifesto, The Ultimate Sales Machine, and Shut Up and Sell More for work purposes.

Tell me-what books have you been reading lately? I would LOVE some recommendations! Happy reading : )

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

How I Refill My Cup

Make Sure Your Cup is Full

Have you ever gotten to that level of mental or emotional (and sometimes physical) tiredness where you’ve thought like, “I am just… DONE. I’m DONE. There’s nothing left in me at this point. I’m all out!”? I can relate. People will refer to it as running on an empty tank or “pouring from an empty cup”. Social media will tell you to that it’s “all about finding balance” but seldom tell you how to ACTUALLY achieve that equilibrium again. So that’s what I’m going to talk about today- how I refill my cup when I feel depleted.

How to Refill Your Cup

SLEEP MORE: We all have things in our lives that force us to wake up, i.e. children, work, etc. But when your tank is empty, make sleep a priority and just get a bit more than you usually do. Even an extra 30 minutes can help you wake up feeling more rested, which is so critical to getting you back to your normal self.

DITCH THE TO DO LIST: Whaaaaat? Me? Tell you to NOT have a list? Shocking I know. While lists and schedules are something I rely on on a regular basis, if I feel especially run down, I don’t make a physical to do list. I’ll remember the biggest things I have to do (like go to work or the grocery store) and still do them but it’s a far pared down “list” of items that I will worry about. If we’re honest, a good number of things on our lists will not cause the world to end if they wait a few more days. Give yourself space and breathing room in your day so that you can take life at a slower pace, even for 24 hours.

SCROLL ON (guilt free!): Give yourself permission to do something that is entirely for pleasure, not productivity. For me, that’s scrolling social media and watching You Tube videos. For you, that could be your favorite book, movie or TV show. Take the time for yourself to do something that is entirely relaxing. Your brain and your soul need the rest, I promise.

GET COMFY: To be fair, I dress for comfort 90 percent of the time, so this really isn’t something I have to FORCE myself to do, but when I’m feeling especially empty, I skip straightening my hair, putting on makeup or getting out of the clothes I slept in. It sets such a different tone for your mood when you can be completely undone looks-wise. Again, if you have to leave the house, you may need to change, but when and where you can, treat yourself to some coziness.

I hope this helps you if you are in a season of business in your life right now. Tell me- what do you like to do to recharge?

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

The Cassa- Living Room

UPDATE! 9/3/2019- I realized, after looking at these pictures, just how bare the wall by the TV looked. I was always planning to add something on either side of the TV, but finally found the perfect thing and I wanted to share. I got these wooden windows from Kohls and I think they’re the perfect fit : )


Hey guys! Welcome back to the blog and welcome back to the Cassa this week. It’s been awhile since I shared a house update, so I thought I’d give you a peek in at the progress we’ve made in the living room. It’s not DONE done, but it’s at a great stage of completion for now. Check it out!


The wall color in the living room is Breezy by Sherwin Williams. I will keep it real and say I am not 100 percent in love with how this color turned out, but we hired a painter to paint this and so we’re far past the point of commitment. I’m not repainting it (or paying someone to do it again) so it’s here to stay for now. I do want to get us a new front door that lets in more light that I do think will help soften the color.


The wall art above the couch is from Kirklands and it was perfect because it has all of the colors I’m using in the house right in it. The throw pillows are from Target, Kohls and Gordmans. I tried to choose pillows that had physical or visual texture to them. Eventually, I would like to find a good teal throw pillow to bring out that color in the wall frame, but this is a good start.


We got a great deal on the area rug from Home Depot and was the first big decor piece we picked up. The gray color is neutral, but the pattern gives it some texture. I am using that pattern in several different rooms in the house (you may remember my shower curtain in the main bath) to tie all of the rooms together.

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The TV stand we picked up at Colders a year or so ago and the little faux plant is from TJ Maxx. I tried to incorporate greenery (fake, because I kill the real thing) into each room in the house. I couldn’t find it on their website, but the galvanized metal candle holder on the coffee table is Better Homes and Gardens brand from Walmart and the tasseled placemat is from Hobby Lobby. The light mat helps break up the dark wood of the coffee table and the tray where I keep a remote basket, some photo books and magazines.


The light gray curtains are also textured with a diamond pattern. I got them at Gordmans for $16.99 and then had a upholsterer add blackout fabric to the back of them to make them more opaque and give the thin fabric some weight. I love our little pewter floor lamp from Bed, Bath and Beyond.


On the wall with our wood burning stove, I have the cutest square clock from Hobby lobby. On the other side of the stove by the front door is where I’d like to eventually put a coat rack of some kind on the wall with hooks for guests. The house doesn’t really have a formal entry of any kind, so I would like to carve out a little corner of designated space for that.


One of my favorite parts of our living room is the little niche cut above the wall to the kitchen. The previous owners installed an outlet up there so I have a set of cafe lights plugged in up there that I can turn on at night from a light switch and it looks SO cozy at night! We hung a wood square wall art from Target that will stay up year-round, but I do plan to change up the decor a few times of year. The spring/summer set up that I have now is like a “flower market” type theme. The color of the flower canisters match the colors of the house PERFECTLY and I just put in a variety of fake plant stems from Hobby Lobby and TJ Maxx with a little wood crate I got at the Target Dollar Spot and a metal basket.

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

My Favorite Podcasts


Do you need something new to listen to on your summer trip or next visit to the pool? I thought you might. Here’s some of the podcasts that I am loving lately to give you some new ideas for your summer listening leisure. (Though for the record, I’m usually listening to these in the car or on a walk instead of a pool).

Happier with Gretchen Rubin: Hosted by author Gretchen Rubin and her sister, this podcast is all about happiness and good habits. Who doesn’t want more of that? This is a great listen when you want something light and easy to enjoy. Perfect for summer!

Best Podcasts for Women

Goal Digger Podcast: This is a great one for any person who works and is looking for new ideas on how to do it better, more efficiently, or with more joy. That sounds boring, but Jenna is SO entertaining that I promise it doesn’t feel like work. Jenna is a photographer, online educator and influencer who is really good at being authentic and doesn’t shy away from sharing the details of her success.

The Marie Forleo Podcast: I fell in love with this podcast after a recent episode where show host Marie Forleo interviewed author Kate Northrup on “How to Do Less and Accomplish More”. It was really easy to listen to and digest and I got some practical tips I could use right away. Give that episode a listen!

RISE Podcast: If you’ve been around here for awhile, you know how much I love me some Rachel Hollis. She’s all about personal growth, taking action and making your dreams happen, no excuses. She covers a variety of topics from business to personal to life in her interviews, so there’s a little something for everyone here.

Detail Therapy with Amy Landino: She’s one of my favorite (if not actual favorite) YouTubers, so it was natural that I would love this podcast. Amy is passionate about going after the life you want and she interviews people from all walks of life and gets all of the details on how they’ve achieved personal success in their lives. Amy keeps it fun and spirited with her guests and I always come away with a few good nuggets.

Happy listening and I hope you soak up every little bit of summer this year! See you next week,


Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

A Mid-Year Planning Session


Hey guys! As usual, time is completely flying and the end of June marks that 2019 is half over. While I still have no idea how that happened, I am excited to use July as kind of a mini-January. (A mini January without the snow- what could be better?) What I mean by that is that I get to the end of the year happy with how my year went. Here’s how you can do a mid-year check-in too:

Revisit your 2019 goals- It’s probably been a minute since you’ve looked at these babies and now is as good of a time as any to check back in with them. I write my goals down on paper, but if you didn’t, it’s not too late to start or even to just start thinking about what you would like to get done in the rest of 2019. Take a look at what you’d laid out for yourself in January and see what things you’ve accomplished, what things you want to work on next, and what things you thought you wanted to do, but just aren’t a priority anymore and can get crossed off your list.

How to Do A Mid-Year Review

Check your habits- When it comes to actually getting goals accomplished, it’s often the little daily habits we work on that truly give you traction for achieving goals. Are you doing the little things every day that get you to where you want to be? For example, if you want to read 10 books this year, are you setting aside the time you need each day to read? Or to get other stuff done so you can enjoy a big reading session on a weekend? If you want to go on a trip this year, are you setting aside time to plan and prepare? The secret to moving your life forward is often found in the little actions you take on a regular basis.

Audit your calendar- Take a few minutes and review your calendar from the first six months of the year. What did you do that you really enjoyed? What things did you not get to do that you’d like to now? Lives are busy and it takes intentional planning to get fun things on your calendar. This week, I looked at my calendar for the rest of the summer and scheduled in the two weekends that we’ll be heading up to our cabin. It’s one of our favorite places to be and my fall schedule at work is too crazy so I wanted to be sure we made the time to enjoy it while we can,

When it comes to goal setting and habit tracking, I’ve found the most AMAZING tool that I wanted to share with you. (NOT sponsored!) I’ve talked about this on my Insta stories before, but The Artist of Life Workbook is what I use to set, review and track annual, quarterly and monthly goals. It was my first year using this tool and I cannot say enough good things about how much it’s helped me.

Have a great rest of your Sunday and we’ll see you back here next week. Be sure to check me out on Instagram for your daily dose of Morning Coffee.

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Favorites from My Wedding Registry


It’s wedding season and if you aren’t planning a wedding, you are likely invited to one, if not several. Whether you are stumped on what to put on a registry or what to buy off of a registry, I’ve got your back. Here are some of my favorite things that we put on our wedding registry.

Nice Luggage- I feel like this is one of those semi-expensive, adult-y things that I wouldn’t have bought myself but am SO HAPPY to have now. There’s something really nice about having quality pieces of luggage that are sturdy, roll easily and are built to last. This is the set we use.

Wedding Registry Favorites

If you are shopping for a couple that loves to travel, these packing cubes are awesome and literally saved me from packing catastrophes will we were in Ireland.

Rubber Kitchen Utensils- Okay, this one probably seems silly, but SINCERELY I didn’t know how much I needed these things in my life! The flexible material helps you get all of food out of the bowl, the pan, the jar- you name it! And I love it. We have this set with wooden handles that we keep out near the stove and then I also have this jar scraper and set of mini spatulas as well for baking and cooking.

Along those same lines, silicone baking mats were another amazing discovery from my registry. Makes clean up SO much faster!


Toasting Flutes and Bar Glasses- We aren’t the fancy kind of people that need a full 16 piece set of crystal glasses, but we did register for one set of beautiful toasting flutes that we bring out for special celebrations for the two of us. I am happy to say we’ve used them several times!

My husband really loves liquor decanters and he was very excited to receive this crystal set for our wedding. Don’t feel pressured to register for (or buy) a full dining set of crystal that will sit unused in a cabinet forever. Pick a few special pieces that you know you will use and go for those.

Good sheets- It’s amazing what a difference good sheets can make! And, for the record, my version of good sheets is not a 5,000 thread count Egyptian cotton set- it’s actually this really affordable set from Target. They have elastic panels sewn in to the corners to make fitting them over the corners of the mattress MUCH easier (can I get an AMEN to that?!?!) and they have a slight silky texture that feels really nice! Again, this was something that I wouldn’t necessarily have bought myself, but something I am so happy we do have now.

If you are planning your wedding this summer or attending one, hopefully this list helps you pick out the perfect gift. Happy wedding season!

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Book Review: Homebody by Joanna Gaines


Why I picked it up: I’ve been a Joanna Gaines fan since the early days of Fixer Upper on HGTV. Though her style isn’t necessarily what I would choose for myself, I knew she’d be a great resource for tips and insight as I decorate our new house.

My Key Takeaways:

Homebody Book Review
  1. Make it meaningful - Joanna spent a good amount of time in the book touching on being thoughtful with the items you put into a home. She says, “ I believe what we surround ourselves with - the colors, the materials, the things- can be random and meaningless or they can convey some of our most important truths if we let them.”

  2. Make it functional- In the chapter on entryways, Joanna talked about making spaces functional is still more important than the look so it works for your home and the people in it. I took her advice and bought a “catch-all” tray for our back entryway where our keys, sunglasses, etc. can live when we come in each night.

  3. Make it simple- If you are familiar with Joanna’s style, you’ll know that she prefers a minimal, pared down look. She advises, “ Our homes should be a source of happiness to the people who live there, so surround yourself with things that you love and let go of the rest.”

Overall, the book was organized in a really easy to consume way. Each chapter tackled one room, so it will be easy for me to go back and refer to it when I am working on the room. The book had a great amount of quick reference lists and tips that were practical and well laid out. I’d definitely recommend this one if you are looking to design or redesign a space in your house. Plus, this book is so pretty, you can display it on your coffee table when you’re done. Dual purpose!

Buy Homebody on Amazon ( Affiliate link- thank you!)

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

My Weekly Review Process


We all have a lot to do. Some of those things we *have* to do, like laundry, keep a child or pet alive, go to work, have food to eat, etc. and some of them are things that we’d like to do, like working out, reading, working on a big goal or dream, or having time for a hobby that just makes us happy.

The time that you have for the things you WANT to do usually depends on how efficiently you can get your “have to-dos” done. Every week, I spend time on Sunday evening to review my previous week and set myself up for the week ahead. Doing this allows me to have time for all of my must-dos and most importantly, allows me to MAKE time for the things I want to do. Here’s how I do it:

How to Do a Weekly Review
  • Review the past week: I pull out my calendar (mine’s on paper, but yours could be digital as well) and look over the past week. I find it motivating to take a look at all of my wins for the week-the things I actually got done- and remind myself of the items that didn’t get prioritized and finished. If something didn’t get done, I ask myself if it is really something that still has to happen- and if it does, I move it to the coming week so I don’t lose track of it.

  • Review next week’s calendar: I then go ahead to look at the next seven days. I look at my work schedule, our social calendar, the weather, etc. to start making a plan for how our week will flow. There are certain things I do every week- like cardio, reading my current book, posting a blog post, etc but my work schedule changes every week. I move my tasks around in the week to wherever  my open pockets of time are.

  • Review the menu for the week: I recently posted all about how I meal plan for my household of two so I won’t reiterate that here, but I do plan our meals every week on Sunday.

  • Review my goals: I’m a goal person. I have goals that I set each year, and then I break those down in quarterly and monthly goals so I can actually make progress on achieving them. See my 2019 goals here! Many people set goals but then don’t actually follow through on getting them done. Reviewing mine on a regular basis has been *KEY* to continuing to make progress. If you don’t have goals set at the moment, start now! You don’t have to wait for January 1st, or the first of the month, or for Monday to set goals. You can start today.

  • Review my habits: When it comes to achieving your goals, daily habits are really the thing that make goals happen. Every week, I remind myself of the habits I want to put into every day so that I can keep moving forward. For me, that’s writing in my Start Today journal and reading for ten minutes in the morning.  In the evening, that means packing our lunches for work and calendar blocking my time for the next day.

Sunday is just that day where we spend a ton of time getting our lives together, right? Add a few of the things above to your Sunday, and you’ll really feel like you are all set for the new week. Monday doesn’t have to feel overwhelming if your Sunday was productive. Have a great week ahead!

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

10 Things to Do Before Your Next Trip

Headed out on a trip or vacation this summer? Here’s my handy dandy checklist of everything you should remember to do before you leave on an extended trip:

10 Things To Do Before Your Next Trip
  1. Let Your Bank Know You Are Travelling: If you are travelling out of state- and ESPECIALLY- if you are travelling out of the country, you should alert your bank of the dates that you will be out of your normal area.(My bank had a feature for this online!)  To protect your account from theft, they could put a stop on your account if they see a bunch of unusual activity. And no one wants to deal with that when you’re just trying to get another margarita at the poolside bar.

  2. Hold Your Mail: Help out your mail carrier and let the post office know to hold your mail ahead of your trip. He/she will thank you for saving them from stuffing a week’s worth of mail into your tiny mailbox. You can do it online-right from Simple and easy!

  3. Refill Your Prescriptions: Plan ahead of time to have enough of your regular prescriptions to last you while you are away. You may need to contact your insurance if you need to get a prescription outside of your normal schedule, so make sure you do this two weeks ahead of time or so and don’t have to rush.

  4. Share Your Travel Arrangements: Send digital copies of all of your travel arrangements to someone you trust. In the case of an emergency, someone back home should have all of your travel information, just in case. For bigger trips, be sure to include pictures of your ID and passport as well. I use good ol’ mom for this one if my husband and I are travelling together.  

  5. Clear Off Your Devices: The last thing you need is to be posing for the typical tourist photo in front of the Eiffel Tower with  the stranger that you nervously asked to take your photo shouting from a distance; “It says you don’t have any more photo storage!” Cringe. Clean off your phone, camera, iPad, etc. before you leave so that you can take all of the vacation photos that you want with no problem.

  6. Pack Your Carry-on: My strategy to packing my carry-on is essentially this: pack for the worst case scenario of your checked luggage getting lost. Anything that you couldn’t easily replace, like prescription glasses and meds, should be in your carry-on bag so that they don't get lost or damaged. I also pack a change of clothes, deodorant, my makeup and toiletries in my carry-on so that I can at least freshen up if I am without my checked bag for a day or two- which has LITERALLY happened to me- twice. Trust me on this one.

  7. Close windows/doors: Before you leave the house for the last time, run a sweep through your entire space and lock your windows and doors. Be sure to check the garage and basement, too! Safety first!

  8. Prevent Smells: No one wants to come home to a stinky mess after a long day of travel. Be sure to clear out your fridge, unload your dishwasher, and take out all of your trash so there’s nothing funky sitting alone in your house all week while you are gone.

  9. Check Your Thermostat: Make sure that your thermostat is set to keep the house at room temperature while you are gone, otherwise your house could be overheating or freezing while you aren’t home to check it.

  10. Wash Your Sheets: This one is definitely not necessary, but there’s something really comforting about coming home to a clean set of sheets on the first night you’ll be back in your own bed.  

Where are you headed this summer? Comment below!

Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!

Spring Faves 2019

Happy spring, everyone! Every season has its perks, but spring always feels like such a huge shift in energy after the winter. The grass is greener, the sun is brighter and everyone is talking about home improvement projects and spring cleaning. As I get fresh motivation from the change of the seasons, here’s what I’ve been loving this spring (PLUS my favorite quote at the moment!):


Renew and Refresh Candle- This is hands down, my favorite Bath and Body Works candle of all time. This scent came back this season after being MIA for a few years, and I basically threw a parade in its honor. It’s light and airy and the PERFECT scent for a spring afternoon with the windows open. I’m not kidding when I say you NEED this. (It’s not online right now, but it is in stores.)


Lemon Water- My husband turned me on to this one, and I can’t stop drinking it. I’m really good about drinking water in general, but as I’ve tried to cut way down on my soda habit, sometimes I’m craving something with more flavor and lemon totally does the trick for me. If lemon isn’t your thing, this Pin has tons of other fruit recipes to try. I wouldn’t have thought that fruit would flavor the water as much as it actually does, so give it a try!


Pedicures- It’s the time of year for fresh feet! I went with some family to get pedicures on Mother’s Day and it was the PERFECT time to go. Sandal season is upon us and pedicures just feel so good! I don’t regularly get pedicures, but it is nice to treat myself to one at the start of spring and summer. I got a gel polish so that I can make this pedi last as long as possible.


Peachy-gold Eye Shadow- Even though I’m a stick-to-what-you-know kind of girl, I tried a new eye shadow color recently and I’ve been LOVING IT! I got this Tarte palette back last year when I was planning my wedding, but only recently started playing around with it. I’ve worn the color Encourage every day this spring and I'm really digging the soft, peachy gold color for spring and summer.


Mint Crossbody Bag- I got this beauty a few months ago and have worn it every day since! The color is so cute and fresh, and the soft leather material is really nice. Your phone fits perfectly into the front pouch and there’s a ton of room inside for cards and lip balm, etc. Who needs to lug around a huge bag in the spring and summer? No thanks. Especially when this one is so cute! As I write this, the bag is 30% off and less than $20. Great deal!

I aspire to be a woman who wakes up and loves what she does everyday, travels often, spiritually secured and financially stable.
— Boss Babe, Inc.
Hey, I'm Meghan

Hey, I’m Meghan

I’m here sharing content all about pursuing your own version of more and loving how you feel doing it. If that sounds good to you, stick around and let’s be friends!